3730 mL 565 mL 3165 mL 1 point is earned for the correct volume. The units of C are JC. Computer Area Display Words Computer Lab Posters Classroom Computers Teacher Technology Turn the hot plate to LOW and then go to the restroom. . -NaCl - CaCl2 -FeCl3 -BaCl2 - PbCl2 The equation 2Als 3Br2l 2AlBr3s is an _____ reaction. Addition of NH 3 also known as NH 4 OH makes the solution basic and precipitates the hydroxide of Fe 3 rule 5. Lead II nitrate and sodium iodide solutions. Energy Diagram for Reaction between Zinc Metal and Copper II Ion. Select the correct metal below. The water in the calorimeter rises to 3545 C. Consider the redox reaction 1 and Figure 1 below. Place a watch glass on top of the flask and then quickly go to the restroom. Because HA is monoprotic. You will be stressing these equilibria by adding products and reactants and observing the color changes that result. Select th...